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Only through Arjil, better life could be true.

One Arjil product a day keeps the Day great!


帶給人們健康大未來  美好生活從吉亞展開

ARJIL Pharmaceuticals LLC 成立於 2014 年,是一家處於開發階段的專業製藥公司,專注於開發和商業化創新醫療產品。自成立以來,Arjil 一直致力於不斷探索、開發並提供以植物來源為基礎的藥物,旨在為全球老年人帶來健康福祉。截至 2024 年,Arjil 的資金投入已逾 2.5 億元台幣。


Research and Development


We are committed to developing medicines for unmet medical needs and improving quality life products, including bioactive botanical cosmetic ingredients, healthy foods derived from botanical drugs, and anti-aging products for improving and extending quality of life for elderly people.



ARJIL  Strength


吳郁彬 董事長


在既有的組織架構下,我們已建立 QMS (質量管理系統),並結合新藥臨床試驗( IND)流程,全面推動並加速藥物研發。我們採用數據驅動和風險管理的評估方式,穩步向著可預測的成功軌跡邁進。

With the QMS (Quality Management System) having been established on our organization infrastructure along the IND process, we have been holistically approaching and accelerating our drug R&D in data driven & risk managed (assessed) manners, and consistently moving toward a successful track in a predictable way.


美國紐約大學 Bellevue Hospital 美國紐澤西


美國紐澤西 Zeitech Corp 董事長

美國芝加哥 Arch Venture Fund  

美國紐澤西 TBS Pharmaceutical Company 董事

美國紐澤西 Barjil Investment Group 總裁

Dr. James Sheu.png

Dr. James Sheu

Chief Science Officer

Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut

Head of Medicines Division at the Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories, ITRI

Director of the Material and Chemical Research Laboratories, ITRI

Richard Wu


Richard Wu.png

medical adviser Emergency Care and Thoracic Specialty Columbia University

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Dr. Jane SC Tsai  

Honorary Consultant U.S.A. SVP(Senior Vice President)  International Affairs, YFY Biotech Management CompanySenior Advisor, Former Deputy General Director and COO(Chief Operating Officer), CTO(Chief Technology Officer), ITRI Roche Former Director,

Julian Yu

Chief Financial Officer

BS. EMBA , Department of Finance, National Taiwan University Director, Audit Division, Financial Department, Council of Economic Planning and Development Director, Risk Management Department, Laber Pension Fund Supersivise Committee Director, Domestic Investment Management Department, Bureau of Laber Pension Fund

Dr. Ming-Kun Chen


Postdoc. National Chung Hsing University PhD, Biotechnology, NCHU

Hui-Ju Liang

Product Manager

Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories, ITRI Natural product isolation NTOU, Master



300044新竹市東區光復路二段101號  國立清華大學第四綜合大樓A棟209室


Primary Contact: Ming-Kun Chen/

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